Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by Volunteering at the Y!

The New Year often brings feelings of positive improvement and change – a time to focus on living a better life and providing support for those around us. As we make our way through the month of January, it’s important to remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a pioneer in the world of positive improvement and change, with the celebration of the MLK Day of Service on Monday, January 17.

Dr. King once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others,’” and for nearly 30 years the MLK Day of Service has encouraged individuals to volunteer their time in service to their communities. Here at Valley of the Sun YMCA we’re encouraging everyone to use this day as a call to action to get involved to better our community in 2022.


Volunteering, regardless if the opportunity is big or small, can make a major impact on those around you and helps keep our communities and personal relationships strong. With our community still recovering following the effects of COVID-19, volunteer work is needed now, more than ever. The Valley of the Sun YMCA, offers numerous programs and activities that we are constantly seeking volunteers to help with. From leadership roles to offering your motivational support, we have the perfect volunteer opportunity available for you. Some of these opportunities include:

  • Lead our Boards of Directors and committees
  • Raise funds to ensure the Y is accessible to all members of the community
  • Coach our sports teams and teach many of our classes
  • Motivate and support youth in building the character strengths, skills and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health, smart life choices, and the pursuit of higher education and goals
  • Extend a hand to help adults who want to do more, be more or live healthier
  • Advocate for the Y’s efforts to influence policies and initiatives that positively impact societal issues of importance to the nation, and your community
  • Participate in opportunities to give back and support neighbors


The YMCA’s Outreach Programs for Ahwatukee Seniors (YOPAS) has been providing support services to Ahwatukee seniors since 2001. Our services are provided by community volunteers. Maureen Davis has dedicated her time at YOPAS for more than 20 years.

“The support that I have received from my fellow volunteers, for example when I had my cancer, is just amazing! You give but also you receive so much back from it [volunteering]. It’s so rewarding.” - Maureen Davis, YOPAS Volunteer


Member First Summer Day Camp Registration NOW OPEN!

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