Valley of the Sun YMCA expands transportation to ALL: COVID-19 Vaccination

PHOENIX (April 1, 2021) – Valley of the Sun YMCA is now providing transportation to COVID-19 vaccination appointments for individuals of all ages. This removes a barrier to vaccine access for some of the most vulnerable members of our communities.

Launched in February, this program has already provided over 300 rides for seniors to vaccination appointments. A valley-wide volunteer-led program now also partnering with Uber provides rides to anyone with a vaccination appointment. The YMCA is seeking additional volunteers to become drivers for the vaccination transportation effort, and access to Uber allows us to serve many more people immediately.

Working woth Ride Share to provid transportation

The Y and Uber have coordinated with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), Grand Canyon University, and other vaccination groups to coordinate the individual’s experience. “We are hearing from many individuals that our service has been essential for them to receive their vaccination. When we heard that Governor Ducey was expanding vaccine access to individuals ages 16 and older we knew we had to expand as well, and we hope more individuals will consider volunteering to help their neighbors get vaccinated.” – Jenna Cooper, Emergency Response Coordinator “Assembling the right partners for the endeavor, my wife and I and a few friends made a charitable contribution to the Y to implement the program. We have great hope that this program will remove in whole, or in part, the limitation on those who find that transportation and its costs are a barrier to receiving the vaccine.” – Chuck Dubroff, YMCA Donor

For those without cars or who cannot drive, even finding public transportation can be a challenge. According to the American Public Transit Association, 45 percent of Americans do not have access to public transit.

“Uber is thrilled to support this effort in partnership with the Valley of the Sun YMCA and Chuck Dubroff. We are committed to doing our part to help make sure that transportation is not a barrier to getting a vaccine, in Arizona and around the world.” - Sarah Ashton, Public Affairs, Uber

To schedule a ride, call 602 - 212 – 6088 or email

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