Magic and Muggles

If you like Harry Potter, you are going to LOVE Magic and Muggles week at the Ahwatukee/Foothills Family YMCA!

We transform our day camp into Hogwarts and sort each camper into their own Hogwarts house. Campers will make their own wands, brew potions, and even play quidditch. Here’s a glimpse into a day in the life of a day camper during Magic and Muggles week.

7:30 AM

Arrive at camp. Check-in, and get sorted into a Hogwarts House. I got Ravenclaw, and so did my best friend Lenni! I hope our house earns the most points this week. Points are earned for good behavior, and points can be taken away. The House Cup is a team effort! We played in the gym until it was time for breakfast.

8:30 AM

Breakfast time! Today’s breakfast was waffles and orange juice. Yum!

9:30 AM

Back in the gym for the opening ceremony. We went over House Cup points and sang some silly songs, then played a game of Giants, Wizards, and Elves.

10:30 AM

We got to play Quidditch, my favorite gym game! There is one quaffle, four bludgers, and one golden snitch. The goal of the game is to find the golden snitch while scoring points using the quaffle, without getting out by the bludgers. It’s SO FUN!

12:00 PM

Lunch outside on the patio. I packed my own lunch.

1:00 PM

We made potions in the classroom! I made pink unicorn blood with liquid soap, water, and food coloring. Our counselor taught us to make polyjuice potion with baking soda and vinegar. The potion oozed and bubbled!

3:00 PM

We went swimming! I passed the swim test and wore a green wristband to swim in the deep end. We made up our own game of Quidditch in the pool.

5:00 PM

Time to go home. Can’t wait to come back tomorrow!


For more information on summer day camp, click here.

To register for summer day camp, click here.



Member First Summer Day Camp Registration NOW OPEN!

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