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The Valley of the Sun YMCA is a non-profit organization that has faithfully served the needs of our members and neighbors for more than a century. Throughout the COVID-19 crisis in Arizona, the Y has reallocated all available resources to providing emergency programs to meet the community where it needs us most. Even now, we continue to provide child care for essential workers, meals for food-insecure youth, companionship for seniors at risk for isolation, and affordable housing and job placement assistance for those in need. We remain steadfast in our commitment to be a resource to families who need help with virtual learning and homework assistance, as our local schools work to solidify schedules for the youth in our care. And of course, we never turn away anyone for the inability to pay. Our financial assistance plans provide stability and peace of mind; allowing individuals and families to engage in our programs at a price they can afford.

When you donate to the Y, you join a powerful association of individuals committed to nurturing our youth and the well-being of your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues. The ability of the Valley of the Sun YMCA to continue to provide the programs that our community relies upon us for largely depends on the support of incredible individuals like you. With your help, the Y will emerge from this crisis even more resilient than before. And because of that, so will our community.
What the Y is Doing

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