The Power to Create Change Through Affirmation

Create change with The Affirmation Board

“The affirmation board is the board that gives you courage,” explains a day camp participant. Many individuals may seek out positive statements to motivate themselves through websites, blog posts, and journals, such as the BestSelf Planner. However, Amber, Child Care Director at Southwest Valley Family YMCA, brings this idea to the front of her classroom. Including positive affirmations into a daily routine has significant effects on valuing oneself and encourage others.

Our Valley of the Sun YMCA kiddos are learning self-empowerment and positive thinking by simply walking up to the board and finding an affirmation that resonates with them at that moment. We are teaching our youth how to reach strong internal belief in their full potential through program aspect like this that influences the trajectory of their lives.

YMCA Youth Development Mission

Our cause is to build up minds, inspire spirits, and strengthen the community. Amber holds this mission close to her heart and believes every child deserves to have somebody to do just that. “I get to be present in these kids’ lives, and sometimes, that’s all these kids need,” says Amber. Our programs offer a space for children to grow, shape their behaviors, and be empowered.

Visit our website to learn more about which programs will help your child reach their full potential.

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