A Time for Family

As the holidays approach and the frenetic pace of life seems to speed up with every work event, school play and social affair, it’s important for us to pause and take the time to remember the most important thing of all… family. Whether it’s the one we’re born into or our chosen family of friends, those that surround us daily mean so much.

At the Y, our family consists of phenomenal staff, neighbors and members – many of which are active duty or military veterans. While we honor their tremendous bravery and spirit every day, this month we’re proud to support our armed services by waving the standard fee to join the Y. And, all year long they can take advantage of discounted rates on memberships and programs that support their own special family at home.

We’re also very proud to announce the return of our Holiday Basket Drive on November 23, which supports other members of your very own Y family who might not be able to afford a complete Thanksgiving meal this year. Please show your support through dropping off non-perishable food items in the lobby, or sign up to deliver one of these memorable baskets on November 23. A list of needed donation items can be found by visiting our website.

Wishing you a very special Thanksgiving and November ahead!

Peyton Tune

Chief Operating Officer

Valley of the Sun YMCA


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