Y Member Spotlight: David Arnett

David started coming to the Y when his PT program was coming to an end. He is very inspirational and always comes in with a great attitude and a smile on his face. When David first started, he only did the cardio equipment. When one day he decided to start trying group fitness classes, one of those classes was cycle with Esperanze. He started attending cycle on a regular basis and Esperanze even worked with David on some workouts he could do at home and also some goal settings.

David loved going to Esperanze's class and said he would follow her anywhere she went.

One of David’s goals that he has set for himself is to be able to do a marathon, also he has decided to try and start doing cycle class twice a week instead of just one. David is one amazing gentleman who never gives up, or has a bad attitude. He loves everyone here at the Y, he says will never go anywhere else. It’s always nice to see his smiling face walking up to our doors every day, to be able to have amazing conversations about his goals and get to talk to him about all the new things he is doing in his life.

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